Learn and gain understanding about your health issues
An Easy Plan to Resolve Your Long-Standing Health Issues
Focus on finding a solution, not the problem

Are you still feeling lousy even after you have been told everything is normal?
Can you relate to any of the following?
Struggling with low self esteem or lack of confidence
Always feeling tired and less than your best
Constipation or Diarrhea
Bloating, Belchy or Gassy
Skin Rash or Itching
Struggle with Anxiety
Abnormal weight gain or unable to lose weight?
Feelings of Depression
Unresolved Chronic Health Issues
Avoid Certain Foods to avoid what happens
Feeling Lost and Confused
Fearful Life has Lost Something
Dr. Sharnowski Specializes In Helping People with Conditions Like the Following:
Stress and Mood
Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Fatigue/Chronic Fatigue
Female Hormones
Infertility, PMS, Menstrual, Female Health
Osteoporosis, Menopausal Symptoms, Insomnia, Memory Loss, Brain Fog
Autoimmune disease
Bones, Joints, Nervous System
Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel, Whiplash, Disc Injury, Leg and Arm Pain, Shoulder Pain, Scoliosis, Arthritis, Numbness and Tingling
High Blood Pressure, Heart disease
Thyroid Conditions
Thyroid Conditions, Hashimoto’s Disease , Graves’ Disease
Skin Conditions
Skin Conditions, Eczema and Psoriasis, Acne, Lichens Sclerosis
Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Healthy Aging, Mental Health
Blood Sugar Disorders
Blood Sugar Disorders, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance , Metabolic Syndrome, Hypoglycemia
Heartburn/Indigestion/GERD, Digestive Issues, Constipation, Bloating
Low back pain, Back pain, Neck pain, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Migraines
Gut Health
Food Sensitivities, SIBO, Dysbiosis, Gut Health, Bloating, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), Microbiome
Food allergies, Pet allergies, Environmental allergies, Food sensitivities, Allergies
Heavy Metal Toxicity, Environmental Toxicity, Mold Toxicity, Chemical Exposures
Our Promise is finding your Solution
Easy plans and strategies to resolve your chronic health issues
Reduction or elimination of your symptoms
Commitment to support you every step of your journey back to health
If you’re tired of feeling the way you do and have exhausted all options with conventional methods it’s time you learn more about how functional medicine can help you.
A functional medicine doctor wants to uncover the reason for your symptoms rather than giving you temporary relief of the symptoms with medications. Restoring your health naturally is the goal of functional medicine.
This is achieved through the foods you eat, the lifestyle you live, and the environments you are subjected to. However, your genetics play an important role in all of it. We are predetermined for many illnesses and diseases based on our genetics. As a functional doctor uncovering this will help to prevent and cure them.
We’ll focus on you as an individual. And learn all about you and your symptoms, environmental circumstances, family medical history, biochemical individuality, and your lifestyle. This will help us uncover the cause of your skin conditions, digestive issues, infertility, food sensitivities, or other health-related conditions.
Our Functional Medicine Clinic in Overland Park, KS has been helping people throughout the area find relief from many health conditions.
We often see many clients with chronic illnesses that have exhausted all conventional forms of medicine and searching for relief.
Not only does functional medicine work at giving you relief from your medical conditions it also helps to prevent many diseases as well. You should know that functional medicine doesn’t replace conventional doctors, we work with them.
The major difference between traditional medicine and functional medicine is how the disease is treated. Traditional medicine wants to give you relief from the symptoms and functional medicine wants to heal the cause of your symptoms. Taking medications frequently not only disguises the problem but it’s subjecting you to additional problems.
Your health is based on many factors - nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress levels, genetics, and relationships. They are all contributors to chronic illnesses and disease. So when we take them all into consideration we can achieve understanding as well as improve your overall health.
We know there’s no quick fix when it comes to improving your overall health, but it is possible to obtain optimal health.
We’ll take the time to get to know you - what your day of eating looks like, how you feel after eating, how you cope with stress, what you do for a living, your family medical history and we dig deep. This will tell us many things that help us to determine what is causing your symptoms.
We will also run some tests to find out exactly what is going on.
Our Wellness Center in Overland Park offers a variety of services for you such as
- Health Consultant
- Licensed Nutritionist
- Meal Planning
- Health Coach
- Chiropractic Care
- Applied Kinesiology
- Sports Chiropractic
- and many others that will help you to prevent and find relief from chronic illness.
Give us a call today and we will help you uncover the cause of your bloating, headaches, food sensitivities or whatever condition you may be suffering from and show you just how to approach them.
Now is the time for change.
If you continue on your current path and do not make the correct and appropriate lifestyle and behavior changes, what is your health, and your life, going to look like in 5 years?
How are you going to do do all the things you want to do and live the life you want to live. Like going on that vacation, seeing your kids or grandkids graduate or get married. How many family activities or functions will be ruined because you feel so lousy? Just imagine how much of your life and your families lives you are missing.
You and your family are worth you being at your very best and enjoying everything life has to give. After all you have been through with conventional medicine, with doctors visits, endless testing and medications, and more referrals to other practitioners. It is about time you get some answers and solutions.