Composting 101: Tips to Make Composting Easy

Have you ever considered putting your food scraps to good use by composting them? It’s not as complicated as you may think. Composting is an economical way to recycle food and plant waste and provide a little extra TLC to your garden.

How to get started

First, decide on the type of container to use. There is a wide variety to choose from – indoor vs. outdoor, self-composting vs. ones that require more attention. Once you’ve identified your perfect composting container, it’s time to start adding the right combination of ingredients.

Four important ingredients: Browns, Greens, Air, and Water

Let’s start with the two basic types of organic matter for your compost pile – brown things and green things. You’ll want two or three times as many browns as greens in your compost pile to keep it from smelling. These brown ingredients include torn up paper (as long as it’s not coated, it’s good to “grow”), fallen leaves, straw, twigs, or even coffee filters…anything that is ‘non-living.’

Now for the greens…this is where the ‘living’ items come in. Fruit and vegetable scraps, tea bags, coffee grounds, even leftover plain pasta or the rest of that brown rice in the fridge…just avoid meat, dairy, and bones, as they will attract pests and flies.

Next, you need to add a little air. Be sure to ‘turn’ your compost pile about once a week to incorporate the air it needs to “cook” and produce that wonderful rich soil even faster.

And last but not least, every compost pile needs just the right amount of moisture to keep the process going. Here’s how you’ll know if your compost pile has the correct amount of water:

H2O…Hold 2 One…you should be able to hold a handful of your compost to squeeze out just one drop of water! That is the perfect H2O content.

Layering, aerating and waiting

One of the easiest ways to maintain the right balance between green and brown items is to layer them. Place a nice layer of brown items in your composting container followed by a smaller layer of green items. The brown items help absorb excess moisture while the green items provide the moisture and bacteria to get the job done.

If things start to stink
Unpleasant odors are caused by one of two things: too much moisture (i.e., too much green matter) or insufficient oxygen for the bacteria. So if your composting pile smells foul or rancid, add more brown to the mix. And then, be sure to turn the pile over to incorporate fresh air and oxygen. This will breathe life (pun intended) into your bacteria, allowing them to get back to work.


A few composting no-no’s

  • Avoid all dairy products, meat, and bones, as they attract unwanted pests.
  • Never add pet waste to your compost pile.
  • Citrus peels are fine, but avoid high amounts of fruit because they can upset the pH balance.
  • Avoid large quantities of garlic. Since garlic is a natural antibiotic, it may disrupt the bacterial activity that is actually working for you.


How to know when it’s ready to use
The easiest way to find out if your compost is ready is to plant something. Bury a few bean seeds ½” beneath the surface to see if they sprout and grow. If so, that’s a good indication that your compost is ready to use. If nothing happens within 3-5 days, your compost pile needs a bit more TLC. 🙂

With a little practice, you’ll be well on your way to having a thriving compost pile that will provide nourishment and life to your indoor plants or outdoor soil.

Patient Testimonials

Dr Don Sharnowski is a doctor who is above and beyond all other doctors! Probably his most outstanding quality is that he LISTENS to what his patients say. He is willing to explain things to his patients in terms they can understand. Dr Don treats his patients with wisdom, understanding, gentleness, care, encouragement and he is willing to "go the extra mile" to give his patients the proper treatment they need. He does not treat patients like they were on an assembly line or like he is rushing them out the door. Dr Don has fixed many of the problems I had at my first visit, one of which I had endured for 3 years. Dr Don was able to fix that problem in 2 weeks when others had not. Dr Don has also helped me loose 40 lbs so far. My total recovery is still an ongoing process, but should be a cinch with Dr Don's expert help! Thank you, Dr Don! You are an awesome answer to prayers!

Karen G.

Super Awesome Doctor in Overland Park, Kansas!! He really knows his stuff love his Holistic approach. Wish I lived closer so I could see him on the regular, at least we can chat on the regular! Very informative in all aspects of health! Five years ago this man took our health and turned it around 360 degrees. My son got ear infections very often. Both my boys have respiratory issues. My husband asthma and overweight. Myself aches and pains, specifically on my left side and joints. Well needless to say no more ear infections respiratory not nearly as often my husband is 80lbs less and never uses his inhaler . My sons ear infections...What ear infections...They are no longer! Thanks Dr. Don for all you do and have done!!

Lots of Love from The Stevens

Dr Don Sharnowski is truly an amazing Doctor. He listens to his patients and treats in a very complete way. He is very knowledgeable because he never stops learning. He is a great communicator and will help you learn better ways to be healthy if you will actually do what he teaches.

Cassie N.

Don (Dr Sharnowski) is truly one of a kind. He is warm, inviting and incredibly generous with his time, but also really knowledgeable about the body and everything within. You won't find crystal balls here. You'll find a super nice guy in sneakers who also sells farm fresh eggs at the counter. I went in expecting to get adjusted (and was scared, because I'd never seen a chiro before). Instead, what I experienced was someone who actually sat down and listened to my history, connected the dots between several ailments (instead of jumping to prescribe one drug apiece to treat each one), and explained things that no one had ever taken the time to do. I was there about my back specifically, but we talked about my whole health. Instead of just prescribing an anti inflammatory (which is what my other doc did), he explained why we get inflammation in our bodies, and how to help reduce it with what we eat. I've also been on thyroid medication for over 10 years, and he actually explained what the thyroid is, and what the drug I take is, and what it does. But not in a defensive or overly crunchy way. He just openly explained in a way that I could understand it. I highly recommend Don to anyone with a body who wants to feel better. His approach is approachably holistic. Just common sense, whole body-centered treatment.

Megh K.

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